The Independent recently did an article on its 13 best bourbons. What do you think of their list? Although I have not sampled all that are on the list I can say that I have had most. And of their list I would have to put the Woodford Reserve and the Makers Mark near the top. However I feel that they are leaving out some of the better craft bourbons that are not as common (their list should be the 13 top common bourbons). There are so many small single sample distilleries around, especially in Texas where small distilleries are popping up all around. Also it missed so many really good fine bourbons from bourbon country itself. Kentucky just swims in good bourbon. For my list I would defiantly have added Evan Williams Single Barrel Reserve. Makers Mark, and Woodford reserve, but also Heaven Hill and Knob Creek, but also Garrison Brothers and Andalusia (technically a whiskey). I would be interested in hearing what your top bourbons are, leave a comment below.


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